Sacred Soul

I see you.

Energy Healer.  Visionary.  Spiritual Teacher.  Mentor.

I see you.

Beautiful Heart.  Space Holder.  Sensitive Soul.

You shy away from visibility or stepping into your healing gifts fully, feeling like you’re not quite ready.

You wonder if you’re qualified enough to do what you’re doing.

You wonder about how to use medicine that is not from your lineage in a respectful way and you are conscious about not doing harm.

You dream of a life being fully aligned with your medicine and magic, but feel like maybe it’s not your time.

You find yourself saying “yes” to please others, knowing that this no longer serves you.  Setting boundaries seems to be a life-long lesson.

You keep moving through cycles of burn out and exhaustion because you’re taking care of everyone else.

You love Earth Medicine, Ceremony and Indigenous Ways and feel a calling to find your roots and honour the medicine of your lineage.


I see you.

And I can help.

Meet Asha


As a child, I was called a seer by my relatives. My ancestors would visit me nightly through my dreams and visions. I was a sensitive soul who was awakening to this Medicine Person within.  

In my late teens, I was diagnosed with a chronic illness, Lupus. This illness became my gateway to an incredible spiritual journey.  Due to colonization, marginalization and oppression, I had been disconnected from my roots.  My journey has been about reconnecting to my rich heritage of being an Ojibway woman and all of the brilliant teachings and medicines that surround me. Lupus opened me up to remembering who I truly am. Medicine Woman, Healer, Mentor, Soul Seer.  These are my original instructions.  

As I remembered who I was, I began to feel my spirit soar. Constantly connecting to my truth and honouring myself, my body began to heal and I ultimately knew that the divine healing that shows up for me, is possible for everyone.

I have worked as an Indigenous Healer for two decades and have facilitated thousands of ceremonies through individual appointments, healing circles, retreats and workshops.

My journey continues to lead me to my original instructions as Nenaandawi Nagweyaab Kwe – Healing Rainbow Woman.  My name informs me to be the bridge between worlds and people.  To honour the essence, beauty and light in each person that crosses my path.  Every single day, I am grateful to witness miracles, healing, and a return to love in myself and those around me.

More recently, I received another spirit name, Wiida’adoon Aanimkikaa – She who walks the path with the Thunderbirds. In the process of aligning with this name, my wings have become stronger, my presence called into a global presence with my book and oracle deck launched into the world.

I truly believe that the journey never ends, it simply evolves and illuminates.  I would love to be of service to you in your life as unwind from the voices that have told you that you are not enough.  I would be honoured to hold sacred space with you and witness  you root down into your own way, connect to your most authentic path and soar.

Chi Miigwetch,


Get to Know Me

1. The Title of My Autobiography Would Be:

heal – a medicine story

2. You May be Suprised to Learn:

i am 5’11


playing piano daily

4. When I’m Not sharing my medicine, You can Find Me

cuddling my children

5. The Best Advice I can Offer You:

keep going, every step matters

6. My Most Rewarding Experience to Date:

seeing my book on a best-seller list

7. If I wasn’t a Healer, I would be A:

broadway singer + dancer

8. I start every day with:

a walk + an earl grey tea

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