You are a Buffalo!
Congratulations, beautiful soul! You are in the direction of the West on the Medicine Wheel, the time of Fall and release. This is a time of letting go to make space. Buffalo helps to free you of your attachments and move into surrender. When you release what feels heavy, you make space for beauty and abundance to enter.
Your energy field is ready to be held and supported. The medicine that surrounds you at this time reminds you that you are always taken care of. Clean out your closets, cut relationship cords, assess what is no longer working. This is a time of discernment and deep trust. Lean into Buffalo, allow yourself to be taken care of. You are worthy.
Buffalo Affirmation: “As I let go, I make room for abundance and grace to touch my life. I am well taken care of, always."
Ways to practice Buffalo Medicine in the world:
- Take stock of how far you have come in your life. Celebrate yourself!
- Lean in to support, however it may show up. Ask for help.
- Take note of all forms of abundance that flow your way daily. Finding a coin on the sidewalk, getting a cheque in the mail you weren’t expecting, compliments. They all count.
- Let go at a pace that feels good to you. There is no rush to move through your emotions. Your timing is perfect timing.
Looking for a way to bring more surrender, trust and abundance into your life? As an offering of gratitude, I have an exclusing offering for you at a special discount price!
Reconnect to yourself in less than 15 minutes per day.
Our souls long for connection.
In this fast paced world, we are constantly bombarded by messages that we are not enough.
Not moving quickly enough towards our dreams.
Not taking enough action.
Not gifted enough for success.
Not good enough for love, joy, abundance….
That somehow, we need fixing and that our imperfections and struggles are something to feel ashamed of.
This couldn’t be further from the truth!
Our society breeds disconnection from ourselves and each other.
What if I told you that there was a way to come back home to yourself?
And that this could be found in the traditional teachings and ways of Indigenous people?
And you could practice it in less than 15 minutes per day?
I’ve created an easy-to-use audio bundle for you, so you can integrate these teachings into everyday life, simply and seamlessly. You can download and save this bundle directly to your phone or device, and connect to it whenever you need a quick little reset for your mind and soul.
I recorded these short audio sessions to reflect the teachings of the Sacred Medicine wheel. Our Medicine Wheel teaches us:
- to listen to our own pace, cycle and season
- to remember that we are made up of much more than our achievements in life
- that we are worthy of taking rest when we are tired
- that in order to create abundance, we need to make space and let go
There is so much divine wisdom in these medicine teachings and I want to offer them to you as a Sacred experience.
Inside this audio bundle, you will be connected with 4 different healing sessions, guided by Asha Frost:

Bear Medicine which guides you into honouring your soul when you need restoration and integration.

Deer Medicine which guides you to nourish, nurture and love yourself more deeply.

Eagle Medicine which guides you into the East to see your divinity and radiate your light.

Buffalo Medicine which guides you to surrender to the support all around you and invite in sacred abundance.
You will also receive a beautifully designed worksheet to pair with each recording, so you can begin to integrate the teachings into your everyday habits and rituals.
Listen to them on your commute, on a nice walk outside in Nature, or when you can take a 15 minute break to yourself. Grab your headphones and treat yourself to a few quick moments of self-care, reflection and connection.
This What is your animal spirit? helps you to come back to self acceptance and healing. Come home to yourself and remember that you are much more than enough.
As we listen to our inner cycles and nourish our mind/body and spirit connection we invite more joy, abundance, health and love into our lives.
Come back home to yourself and remember that you are more than enough as you are.

Hi beautiful soul!
Welcome into my medicine circle space. I am Asha.
As an Indigenous Woman, I have been on an incredible journey of healing, remembering and reclaiming who I am.
Coming home to myself is something that I strive to do every day. At 17, I was diagnosed with Lupus and this cracked me open to finding ways to heal my body and my spirit. As a result of this path, I have awakened to my medicines and gifts.
I have an honours degree in Psychology and went onto become a Registered Homeopath. After 15 years of private practice, I have gone on to claim my truest path as a Medicine Woman, Mentor and Guide for women to rise up into the medicines and brilliance.
I welcome you to connect more deeply to who you truly are with this offering. No matter what cycle or season you in right now, I invite you into my teachings, with compassion and love.